as ive mentioned me pom and topple are working on a fnaf game based on newgrounds, more info + future updates will be found here:
one wasn't enough
Game dev/Artist
Joined on 5/3/21
Posted by Frosty - June 23rd, 2022
as ive mentioned me pom and topple are working on a fnaf game based on newgrounds, more info + future updates will be found here:
Posted by Frosty - June 19th, 2022
I've teamed with @ToppleNG and @pommisc to form "team angel2", a little game dev team. we plan to make a few small games over the course of the summer, so look forward to those.
our current game is a decent way through production (i finished most of the code) so hopefully we will be able to show it off/post it soon!! (we have @teravex for some music as well on this game). i think many of you will enjoy what we are working on, so I'm really really excited for when that time comes.
besides that, ill still be making art and music as usual. (and potentially a quick solo game since i need to code some stuff for a future project, but no promises)
anyways cheers, frosty
Posted by Frosty - June 11th, 2022
Happy pico day everyone!!, also ty for 777 followers!!
make sure to check out my pico day game Super Newgrounds Hydraulic Press U Deluxe if you haven't already!!
I think it turned out good for something I made in under 20 hours.
Posted by Frosty - June 5th, 2022
Gonna be drawing NG mutuals for pico day, reply to this twitter post if you want me to draw your sona (mutuals only)::::
Posted by Frosty - June 3rd, 2022
so as you may or may not know, I've been developing a game mostly by myself over the past month or so, potentially looking at a public demo available later this month depending on my productivity/health conditions. so look forward to that. Also, @pommisk, @toppleNG, and I are potentially planning out something "fun" for the future, so stay tuned as well.
also, I run some polls for things to add every now and then on Twitter, so be on the lookout there if you want to have a say on certain things to be added. and potentially some early testing builds ill post before the demo drops.
mammoth phase 2 sprite made by @/scribbltyhibblty
update progress videos for those interested in seeing that ive been doing: